Future grew separate entities, manu Factoring boss Built a non-existing wonder, Nebuchadnezzar. Hanging gardens, in Babylon, under the eye of how god how. A kingly endeavour, and a boot. Planets turn their heads to see. The structure amazed when it could exist. A pumping system and citizens draw Euphrates water high. Rising like the price of imagination, in swelter of exotic plants and marvel. The city’s state, when in Babylon. King’s name synonymous with the king’s name, thru time and beyond. The people go along with awe. Splendour manages. God’s thunder, a noise, a flash of Oh!touches earth, which projects. The people become caves for storage. Awe. The memory of never having awe until now the awe, the mechanism shown, and all awe. Love inside the people rivaled kingly space and time. Laws of rule ruled laws, bragged Hammurabi. Hanging gardens never have to exist until the idea of hanging garden states. The goal in time to exist beyond. The snap of destruction goes beyond the ...
In a word, the desert grew rapturous. Prongs of cactus just naturally. The specific land held the raffish context of Neal Cassady unbooked, death by smudging. All trudging foot soldiers knew the way and ignored the consequences. We are the energy we say we bought , declared Burroughs, tough guy in sandals. Snyder thought to supply an addendum, kale from Japan. The impact of Kyger, the Joanne known as bearing, when words get by. Proceed to Kerouac and a handful of situational phlox. Ginsberg collects beams and brunt, whatever asked. About the desert then, wide awake threshold. How cold it can even heat. Returning to Burroughs, large insects, radium brew, language turning. Backing up the truck, fieldstones. The whole planet enjoys barrages, and couth, and just the right among of filter. Turquoise found readily on the desert floor, the desert ceiling makes a strong connecting roost. Whatever the round, a conglomerative contentment startles after all all. Strings on an instrume...