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Whirled Wonder

  Future grew separate entities, manu Factoring boss Built a non-existing wonder, Nebuchadnezzar. Hanging gardens, in Babylon, under the eye of how god how. A kingly endeavour, and a boot. Planets turn their heads to see. The structure amazed when it could exist. A pumping system and citizens draw Euphrates water high. Rising like the price of imagination, in swelter of exotic plants and marvel. The city’s state, when in Babylon. King’s name synonymous with the king’s name, thru time and beyond. The people go along with awe. Splendour manages. God’s thunder, a noise, a flash of Oh!touches earth, which projects. The people become caves for storage. Awe. The memory of never having awe until now the awe, the mechanism shown, and all awe. Love inside the people rivaled kingly space and time. Laws of rule ruled laws, bragged Hammurabi. Hanging gardens never have to exist until the idea of hanging garden states. The goal in time to exist beyond. The snap of destruction goes beyond the ...
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  In a word, the desert grew rapturous. Prongs of cactus just naturally. The specific land held the raffish context of Neal Cassady unbooked, death by smudging. All trudging foot soldiers knew the way and ignored the consequences.  We are the energy we say we bought , declared Burroughs, tough guy in sandals. Snyder thought to supply an addendum, kale from Japan. The impact of Kyger, the Joanne known as bearing, when words get by. Proceed to Kerouac and a handful of situational phlox. Ginsberg collects beams and brunt, whatever asked. About the desert then, wide awake threshold. How cold it can even heat. Returning to Burroughs, large insects, radium brew, language turning. Backing up the truck, fieldstones. The whole planet enjoys barrages, and couth, and just the right among of filter. Turquoise found readily on the desert floor, the desert ceiling makes a strong connecting roost. Whatever the round, a conglomerative contentment startles after all all. Strings on an instrume...

Future Fronds

  Dawn reads a wider As it raises day grey carefully and easing wind will shake X establishes mystery of quantity And nothing more But strange constellating field of token now Psychoanalysts from the very tree filled city streets bamboozle effective wainscoting elfware of the elements well down and into the scour, to see the precinct and the transferring light. Follow straight to the bending, marginal made ideal. All sonority escapes in simple trillions against too much. Featured vowel supply capital unknown to equity:  Paintings of suspicious blue and axion, oculated until desperate, tho hinged. Fast piping from the smoky hills and radical heights.  Jocular bonus in so many words or sport festoon.  Some doors fastened to approximation.  Another quake aspirant, adaptive rivulet reproach.  A talent for the present tense and passing, with violins and nostra.  A picnic concluding picnic, with any child aware.  And so forth, eliminating the need for u...

Present Alignment

  I had studied medicine in Vienna, six months. A moth the size of wings flew impressively to my memory of Vienna, beer gardens, brilliant lectures, and those days and attendant nights. O the waltzes, the psychoanalysts in their wood-paneled supremacy, music plucked vine-fresh from piano keys, expansions of hardened bratwursts in the market. And medicine, the clear wooing of tense gods for betterment and salutes. I would help the populace with a candid use of my educated presumptions. My hopeful eyes trained on a future of health-giving consultations. My patients would receive my advice as payload. Listen! Place bitter feet in a bucket of warm salted water. Rise at dawn and wrap all arms around a logically soothing tree. Wear a wool scarf while jumping fitfully, 30 minutes. Stand poised upon a granite boulder, gathering deep breaths and a promise of future rancour towards opiates. And then: crow going lasts a wingspread above plane earth over map and features into day as porous as ...

In The Commerce

  At the beginning of a sentence one notes the presence of Babylon as a distinct locus obscured by moral blandishment. The sentence proceeds as a cultural thought then rises to viscous voices and smoke rendered as forgetting. All this, one sentence, and building a mere paragraph. Ousels and doves follow the darkening sky cosmos shining plan varied only in hierarchy  thoughts of green apples and explosions  the next best hold on the people till the city turns to light  it might in active commerce and desperation  just that rumble of battle so sensible and well  activated for the future of this past in mind  the script unravels in saint and snake  loser take all to language’s pithy end

Any Way To

  inspire function from the start with event widening and contracting word by word wave sounding the universe a passerby asks “Do your beans bring quickening nitrogen from the gods to your farm plot?” as the crow flies croaking  farm plot?” as the crow flies croaking

My Transitives Verb Revealed

  Tell me everything, Babylon. I was up early tho I later napped. I know Hamurabi sliced a grape in coded enterprise enterprise, and here’s the thing, or should I even say. Amorite King Sumuabum stood almost tall but we have billionaires in our fair clouds and feral clog for the benefit of wastelands. That’s not my courage talking, but a vision of some outcast words and potable drama until feet match the path. History is a curious cruller that can be received in sunlight. Cruller as a unit springs funnier than donut, even knowing how to spell. The rivers leak up the plain but it’s not so important now, desert began as forethought. Afterthought may just round the bend but the feature cannot be immaculate. As the silt builds you wonder what, finally. But  what  followed by a curlicue just makes you mad. Scored rock speaks softly below the engine noise but anyway. Carrying the trauma does wonders for the waistline. The enemy remains as a how-to-respond exaction, timed to the...