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Showing posts from June 16, 2019

All Day Every Day (The Dippy Revolution)

All Day Every Day (The Dippy Revolution) 6/21/19 Sample dossier Dedicated dingbat Pellucid branchwater Branded Brainiac Cultured cholesterol Chorizo chronicle  Banzai babycakes  Collapsing cuneiform  Fragrant flapping Bountiful budge Blameworthy blotting Periodic dumpster  Succulent Krakatoa Furtive scansion Argyle sweathog Pluvious fantle  Existential dropcloth Fabulous bulging Fidgety meanness Elbow buyout Drastic screwdriver Bobbling menace Aster crapola Barndoor dibble Beneficiary blench Crapulous module  Docudrama drainpipe  Emblematic fargle  Stricnine habadasher Boundary dreamboat   Snotrag simplicity Gallery snowball  Dodgy clabbering  Quizzical zoom  Lardent fardel Dippy is an exciting new poetic form. It consists of seventeen 2-line, 4-word dippies, and one 2-word dipita that serves as coda....

Shooing Motive

Shooing Motive 6/20/19 the locus of elephants but footprints Berlin imagery together what they saw 7 million years ago they applied those gifts and established the city excerpt From Beginning to End “land of the civilized kings” From Sumerians initiating attempts at becoming literate

The first three days

Pennsylvania king of Please provide the book a counsel gym takes Except FromEarly We English language Poet or  Alliterative Poems in the West-Midlands  Dialectical  Fourteenth Century This material may seem like a small town Both floated for them with flit of fellaheen wonders  Oftentimes hit role don’t on-rounded &  remedy on endeavors With outer mast over make over my base-line  In palace us principally upon playboy wowzer

Hastening Home

Words enter and leave sharks hope so environmental  topic sentence where else the cool stream or rush of breeze today the excellent greyness in serial clouds and way people include people in their words or sigh