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Showing posts from December 17, 2023


  Some of our bacteria-like friends Archaea have have  cannulae . These tube-like structures seem to connect cells after division. Books say this, anyway. Systemic connection where inklings grow beyond not until. This is an  idea , a waiting of form to appear. Community makes spontaneous. You know of bridges, the books they make. Archaea have begun in the process of gaining scape and scope. As such Polis, which bears a fostering vision. Unitary thought flattens the globe to the losing dimension of loud populace noise. Your stress has undergone replication on the flat earth surface. Time encroached by place releases failing notes. You will find another tunnel ahead, another flat mental wall. Meet the New Boss in the time you took.


  In the town of microorganism: bacillus, bacterium, listing vibrio without foresight. A microbe, a microzoary, a world inside a word for worlds, in and out. Slime mold talks intercellular cooperation.Try that in your big digestible book! The feasible small thing freshens the idea that possible idea cooperates in the model. Your political traction suggests the hat you wear as basis for the formulation that you claim a tuft of the real earth. Your breath is mere sentiment. The entire world compels immediacy, the agency of darting. Ideas form freshets even as the mob learns to speak. Political action committee learns nothing beyond, teaches less. Bloodsport becomes the practice of shading and losing the one word. The sight of this divide survives. Do the math  now , in this celestial prologue. The new smallness has engaged.