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Showing posts from November 19, 2017

A Tidy Soundbite

dragon of need send words opting littoral for coolness clouds what sanctity pan-Santa Tet Offensive one of many town slow vine in then that collide in this sorting process backyard full of some time and where you stayed lunar new year when any town left children behind the sound of smoke and words behind

We Are Deeply Disturbed to Learn

The funny country with Leftover loss, Slur sound, no Arrival Makes a dent Judge the island in middle of Language is the sad, and experts, Floating something Some time Everything was Right You people Know Leftover Countries In benefit of Possible swaying Flight, new words to Replace old ones, Old islands The funny country Of fully explained And the townsfolk Pieces, piecemeal In time for In time, save Donald Duck God, all the other Function gods Look Language In the eye And gall, The space in between

Legal Rights of Commoners

Locked In an umbrella The person Rare vindication Of Look seaward At boats Wait, The French Crossing The Channel With bad feat History As a harp tune Over ocean waved A poem of  Placket document Story Revolution, Purchased for Brother-in-law Likewise No insolence From “Him” Tonight “you” Will begin To sad face Present your Fire locks Puppet

Family of Smart People

Not about Cuba in sullen sun. Not Syria equating Sand to earth tone. Not colored blue sky because sky, loose light, absolute spectrum. Not Town in onion field. Onions Maybe. The Cuba saw the word, revolution, the Coast of future. Future help Too much time. People must Capitalize correctly. Incorrect labour, tantamount, the Expressive assonance. Cuba, it Was and is, revolution as Sway, benight, choppy Waters of be nowhere. Aluminum Nothing, the varied cane brake, sauce On Cuba. Nicaragua Ticket change, Alabama Stalagmite, the best Drip down theory, out. Cuba libre.

News Flush

Central humans sentenced to Hannity. Without relent for crimes of grasp, central humans must Hannity. No proctor will save central, Hannity load stands on. Wish well to central humans as Hannity, so much, so brown leaf. Apres le Hannity, les fleurs sont.same Old Man standing by the mill, which turn it own free will.