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Showing posts from September 3, 2017

Every Taylor Swift Song

Notice flax seed. It is terrible. It resolves into numbers and you are helpless. It grows in imagination, which lacks forgiveness. It seems so friendly, yet your roots run lack of plant. Your human bones feel like endlessness. You cannot forgive a seed, a tiny eternity, a spot of growing time in your weak eye. You cannot milk flax. It is thunder beyond sound, lightning beyond sight, anything beyond you. You are time's implicit reaction to no time. You will have to wait till no time wins, long after flax.

Aren't You Glad?

Language and town complete last bill. Frequency benefit as of why cry child? Chatter of words broken to belly ache, clock on talking door. Door frames opening to not quite, stall tactic average motion. Licking tears compote via word meaning not quite word, when you get down to it. Everything is it on Tuesday with colorful phrases and a taste for abject misery. The main assumption of Mary turned to words.

Evil Kid Trope

Dear Walking Perhaps, You are Past and when you justify. It is. Closing, like the end of fields. Grey is a matter of clouds or naught. Fluxion. TowaRds __ Rds become a way, or not even respect. How to gamble becomes first if not only. So. So gentle town lacks real estate. A grayness involves cover. Today after, a sun day. Any daY prey. So what in the tribal blur, exemplary maximum of if function. Saying you means me,naturally. The town is tainted falls from only one space. So later, after fall, these definitions of this.