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Showing posts from August 15, 2021

The New Majuscules

  Louis XVI King maJestic like Large letters In the sky smiling a Midst the clangour Of palindromes and Loopy Topical stories concerning japes and exchequers Throwing wild Masques In Devil May Care while random Publicans à bientôt true fricasee even knowing how Bottled up and Bastille hemato poiesis in the mere battles called Destiny thorough which Lafayettes squawk Heroism With a slipper flipped from Dainty foot in To the charged Pathology of Painted trees Nothing to resist But the noise Of resistance And a species Called money groping the Grope

Ashes Hour

  Speed of sadness A bison Of occasion Passes sun Of advance They say Rivers Are the Time we But we were Little once As we were Big once And once Is the way We say Together

The Crowded Forest of Trees

  Louis XVI among Trees, with Marie Antoinette queen, as and In trees and sooner to turn leaves, upon trees the nation, gurgling, even the Robespierre in several books, Danton, Mirabeau, and others, as such and official times, manufacturing history at a drop, the trees normalized by time in trees, furtive matters spoken of in crowded agitation, bearable trees in the sonance of people en masse and projected, dilettantish massage of effort ogling names of other trees, in books lavished in language sharing apoplexy and grime, loose trees, scented trees, participle trees, angled trees, and rivers, rivers light as words, usefully disdainful, projected and prosy, the King, the Queen, the inspired Provacateurs, lit by trees, sensed by trees, impressing nourishing guillotines and wiles, fenced by fencing, seething trees, ocean trees, files of trees, and meanwhile then