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Showing posts from February 21, 2021

Galloping Toward

  associations of epic panza divisions swirl midst light and dark with cream-toned moose calls and astral variable what nots abruptly permeating the ideal glance by which funneled assertions provoke glittering moonbeams in the poetry of ages and moments ago

The Elabourate Dream

  Cha-cha on the Balustrade for Purplish tench a Long class lines Eying portage or Presumption in Fondness fierce Native dressing Of persiflage Flanking the so Cial con ScIOUs nexus, Pond scum could Do no better

Th eResin ofr Apture

  kick ball up side back wards ha the imp ortant are no one t here mak e celeb ration arms in air amazed the crowds full of crowds easil y the dark becomes lig ht with hero es organ ized into pass ion inter preters of ink lings file d for fast moment ser iously