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Showing posts from February 7, 2021


  They cried Mandibles of the Rich! hordes arriving con tinually from the North East teeth chat tering ideas of reform or just form re buke sass variance ardor gross neg ligence Mandibles of the Rich! and the inclined in clined soup to nuts how the clacking mandibles performed just service in service of Mandibles of the Rich! the righteous clacking of the just Mandibles of the Rich! the best horde on planetary station thru centuries and Millennia of Hordes from the North East clacking Mandibles of the Rich! till it dawns

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 Volt In Tears of amer Ica gods great town Once a gleaming space Of ice and rain now Seen as meat And Mur rain with caustic pull of Vol ition the Land speaks In trails To and from Lumps of dirt


  a mead-hall grand er than men of the era rakingly pleased of storm effect and mouth the store-bought anthropy of buy ing in the our morning plea for light days in the dark stream ing waters violet pales to clouds the heroic nature of nothing but light in the sky