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Showing posts from May 12, 2019

The Language Poet FranchiseeS

**Work man** **man  Language capita espresso ** Language lettuce spare** Language consistent Golgotha pod** **Language Poets let us down**in the meat of  **(Germ waves from affronts,** **(Disappointing regal ware** of when the felt the lofty tiers **The Language Poets he** **enabled the he end of enabling ** **Ambition plastics ** Formulated for State of state

Gourmet Jesus

the door seems faithful. enjoy the urge for tasteless tofu, change  your lamps completely seriously, melt the rocket, adapt to the resonant commotion, spell the decades ahead.

Rules and Norms

 nO outside exists for this perfect Eleven. It is number, arranged, transported to specific. And it counts, tho just barely. It is reason to be more than ten, it includes. it seems more than the nine that almost. It means language, if a dry dust. Or a planet tamed by numbers, all of which are One.  on this Eleven we think of poor people, unelected monarchs, creases in the smirk. Eleven becomes the afterthought before thought, outside the careful cage, urging interest. Ten is the normal incline of numbers in compact human definitions. Eleven scours solely for the unintegrated nonce of Eleven. The presiding thought describes monolith, the heaven of stupid. Stupid Times Eleven guides the vote.