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Showing posts from August 20, 2017

Called Paul Ryan Today

It The Electric eel the trees the hangar really the prince Green and as Good They remain extremely wary shell language examine for signs of cold In many go the water lovely everything for the journey a fraction to be denied Investigating they catch them finally witnesses history

Black Sabbath Drives Past Stop & Shop

fascist tree fasting instead of being  human language theory fascist in a tree with brokenness snow at Christmas if you were an uncounted duck piano music makes heart feel like little leaf bright bark frowning all the time new brain gone downtown looking for forest of wake up center is grateful wait for the town to arrive

The Republic at Camp A-OK

Anaconda big as plainsong secret lake Another bend in the river make camp here Before darkness falls that waits for In the hidden lake A poem is that worth The only reason why a perfect fog of clouds is on my Telephone father died when he was born a perfect crowd on fog is on