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Showing posts from January 1, 2017

The Pitter Patter of Pitter Patter

The Pitter Patter of Pitter Patter “in the tender canticle”, as we like to say with words. The effort of effect or effect of effort transforms the politics of just some things: people, things, ideas, people, person, thought, thoughtless, people, portion, portion, people, place, place of people, and people. In told, numbers are words and are numberless, a logical grievance told from above or below. So exact are words, and the people they make, that words, words, only then what a grimace makes of a word, or something something smoke. So, in conclusion we

Legally Ignore Work

Says the door, shadows, piling light into no light, a little at a time. Woke to dream kingfisher hovering, the moment of approval. Waiting for the elect, like taking a tractor to Mars. No light return when all light woke, amazing in the middle.