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Showing posts from May 7, 2023

Essential Primer

In English, we use  bantam  to suggest bantam-like situations in our life or living experiences. If the situation is not bantam-like we could easily express that by the term ‘non bantam-like’. In this way language has swayed with or even bowed to our articulation and knowledge, proving our own provocative standing in the communication sphere.  Bantam  as a word gleaned from hearing  bantam  used in accepted or at least prevalent meaningful usages by those who tend to style in such usage empowers us to sling the word with calm reliance. So  bantam  becomes not just a language presence and locus for meaning or whatever, but an expansion of the world into details of bantams and all possibilities of bantam news, and non news. This process can extend to every fucking word extant but no matter, only the jazzy, poetic ones are important.