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Showing posts from June 19, 2016

Ever Call an Asshole?

Embargo on careless town. The talking thing inside us. The piece that says the anger made me. Modern moonlight set for drought. Easy crack in earth crust. A poor town after all. The sun has been accomplished. Words are a means of breath. Life lasts until the next.

I See You Got Your Fist Out

The popular trucks in branch identified as fierce, the conflict called. And so, so biblical as to equate, but the bush burns merrily. As merrily burns, so the words inside. This is prophecy on the ranch, and no more proven than the tongue of Trump. The class of happy wishes falls a little fall. The people are spokes in a lopsided wheel. The contest comes in colours. Colour is a piece of light while light is a piece of us.

Finely Cried The Morning

it is day time like for trees or an ocean known for bees it is a place name borne by winds or turtles quickened coyote on the top of a small night sword dance woke the baby trees the reason trees the after trees and all before song came before the clatter lacking grace is a human thing in cities called