Situation: Sunlight settled on the clouds 1) Something to say in the wind 2) Timing of green 3) Exact measure of shadows 4) Particular precinct for wind 5) Population of anything 6) Measure of melodic Reaction: 1) Satisfied by bears kissing water 2) Envelope of wind includes a crow 3) Music inquires for the rock’s name 4) Space fills with space Conclusion: We are the vapors of after a while Report: Nothing satisfies like nothing
I’m so glad the sport of nation adding children to the pile [chorUs] today prospect goes blue and We just had a good Thing withIn the sentence The blUe National Aggravation SortinG Out the Bile the children are not the result of caring
The long daze, the individual Raindrops, grey weather In aspect Plunging nostrum debate Finds people The puppy thinks Total rain, partial Rain, lack of rain Down near up The piece That passeth Understanding
Love you before the time and past Love meaning to mean in your presence in my present aNd your present Love yOu in word that jail WOrk a time of there and Here and where awe. Are Always where we are
THe gloAming grows finally and Amid sounds, querulous umlauts and diacritical signals. None of this action goes beyond the limits of imaginary. People talk to stillness and stillness nettles while fleece of clouds. And this political climate continues with casual verbs and people who claim to know prepositions. However, no prepositions can exist without willfull deception. Deep wells tell us so. So the mighty exist, as tropes For paradigms. And paradigms exist because someone spoke. The words were in a pool swirling dynamically and extending to sentence. The thought of language starts biscuits a-baking. Propositions poise for pictures. Nature rides natural elastic to the cellar of the trying town. Children remain in vitro till the last very-preposition has rained.