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Showing posts from April 30, 2023

A Whistle in the Trees

  a range of Okay  from spiny backed Creatures to supple mental Income creates a modest toy of dereliction spontaneous to the blasted moment of articulation proven in sportive polis bending spoons with the lightning of assumption branded for special consideration at the font of idolatry  in this fragmentation choice becomes an altar for re Presentation in the dia logue between any tree or stone or Jurassic memory and the painting now a turkey crosses street

Present Glyph

  A rock in controlled Rock as every any Rock Earns space in world of rock Via per plexity of staying while slow leaving grounded By the use Of space In vying Words as by position In a world driven to Crests and flummox trusting Weathering water and cold as resources In time with words Etched in sounded Traverses of Finality living in that pronoun Abeying Boundary and lock but the twist Remains in Saying some Thing in time and directed by the warm Living held of musical scale togethering

Reach Linear A

  from as From dictates But from Point A (a) Ray emerges, always be gins never ends, the point is too small to be anywhere But not no where, It follows a line goes and reaches a point that defines a line, All points point to A line and the lines poetry public con cedes to the point, it must be spelled out