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Showing posts from February 13, 2022

The Acceptable Land

stop the processors out in the poetry night the planets were seen as instruments of divine vengeance rehearse imagin atively the activities in which the helmet has its use the doctor processed as document meant to listen func tionally adroit meaning in the ham fisted ex plicatory present dodging the bullet stop the processors out in the poetry night the planets were seen as instruments of divine vengeance rehearse imagin atively the activities in which the helmet has its use the doctor processed as document meant to listen func tionally adroit meaning in the ham fisted ex plicatory present dodging the bullet

Sentence After Sentence

 before      any minds   different   people see   more or less   the same   wood lumber   yard mouth   whistling   fast speaker   a  par   sed  se   cession   of de   vices   led to   words   words   lead to   town   and ap   proximate   faith   in the n   ext   word     purple   has been    semantic  stay toward   green   orogeny   is just a   ripple   effect