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Showing posts from June 23, 2019

Susan Howe’s File Name

Charles Bernstein wrote extant Poem. He wrote THAT as a poem. He wrote that poem. Let me explain. The poem is there, and that is it. That time when Lyn Hejinian wrote those poems, and even these poems. That time when the Charles Poem method wrote Silliman. In time for the public to know that poem, then. The fruitfully enabled words to that poem resisted THIS poem, to the tune of A poem. Any poem left is another poem.

Charles Bernstein Poem

After all Ron Silliman said, no poem became. After all Ron Silliman wrote, no poem established. After all Ron Silliman declaimed, no poem participated. After all tent pole stationary, Ron Silliman dock. Further after all Ron Silliman poem, no carton exceeded. Till not after any drying, Ron Poem grew silliman. Since August ensign ground porphyry along side poem, where no poem Silliman constantly. Since Ron Silliman sayeth, Pippa refuses to passeth. Agitated since Ron Silliman, so the after poem matters.