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Showing posts from April 18, 2021

The New Beams of Spring

  just listen for the birds that accurately possess the air and dawn itself can do nothing dream date with Rasputin arrives with new ways over the fall and smell of rhyming  the day soul became splinter ingly rich as crisp beds of lettuce in Abington or warlock’s eyes flourish for reasons or sentiment  popular scoundrels forcefeed wedding pictures in blurry places called the tactics of chance  no marvel con dones the rapacious de signs of the republican few  slandered raindrops open up about this is just the time and random spaces between  freed from clouds soft water plunges to an overt onyx or granite contentment spoken of by legions of believers like televisions with pores  Putin or as nobody clings to preseason abetments justified by lariats  townfolk the member in stutter straightens laundry in the free air likely stoked or risky in the spring ing parlance draped like flags  all twists and turns are children for a natural day de clared

Said the But

  dead Pan cankers Congeal on Nova nettles Striking ocular assurance from The record While re Deeming known collisions with frank state mints of Lurid equity squeaks The miles Going down becomes a re Solute mine Of force fed clangour Shaped by Decimals On the money throne  No One Listens or Bird Songs

Indeed there is

  (Your vocabulary did this to me)   Staunch pukka slacker Ritual all gas oddball Haiku tastes like salt  snazzy daisy fat Unguents fail in the bundle popular turtle  Chacha chachacha Chacha chacha chachacha Chacha cha chachacha  dance flagon gummie swizzle stick reunion call hump to the minute  zazen pantry poke caliente tramway spurn Carl Yastrzemski nose  nosedive altar Pond Spliff burden optic tank pompous oodle odd  Screed dexter chop chop slake Tonnage noddle crime de facto Forrest trench Slew magnum coddle machine  ZSa zsa tapestry Portent honking glow worn sedge fun Prize priest zoot suit suit