How you, O Little Puppies, have been affected by my financial advisers, I cannot tell, even the great steroid experiment Arnold Schwarzenegger would be baffled; but I dig that they almost made Poopy Pants shit beans--so persuasively did they speak; and yet they have hardly uttered a word of, like, whatever. But of the many crappy shits told by them, there was one which quite amazed me--it's like oh my gawd when they said that you should be upon your guard and not allow yourselves to be deceived by the force of my eloquence. To say this, when they were certain to be detected as soon as I opened my lips and proved myself to be anything but a great speaker, did indeed appear to Poopy Pants most shameless--unless by the force of eloquence they mean the force of , like, whatever; for if such is their meaning, I admit that I am totally stoked. But in how different a way from them! Well, as I was saying, they have scarcely spoken whatever at all; but from Poopy Pants you shall hear the wh...
poems, fireflies...