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Showing posts from January 22, 2017

Ceci n'est pas Trump d'oeil

This beginning works like magic, speaking liberally of forces. Walls include what remains outside, as well, as motion in the executive chamber. Flowers include non-flowers in every year (so far). You are what they are, they are what one is. One is a word between us. All words rest and resist between us. Abide mere ocean, abide sullen moon.

Executive Order Patrol

A simple idea or day, program without true forest.  The end of timelessness Incorporates with the blasting tolled.. Note the empire of small empire presenting constriction as a verse for safety. We are inclined to live after all. If you can remember a plaything in the sum totals, fill your smart glass. This is very emergency!

Donald Trump's Blunt

When oft in desultory flabbergast, the dinner table embouchure strikes pitiless conceit. And tho the fervid fleshy afflatus dream conceals the mooted dight, the formless nexus oompah band corrals the reckless hake. So too in embolisms of rosy contrast, the drool of iffish proportions strains the mage-like mien. To what, then, the coke-considered Ramadan inside the sportive brief? Paisano praisebook efforts the inkling behaviour in in in ingles of aleatoric wobble. Thus the cambric wayside garage, thus the motor hotel congeal.

The Dawn of Alternate Truth

Topic sentence begins the search, among authors of tree. A stone really ordinary like footpath indirection, plus discretion. An at instead of to belongs to you. The movement is a foot just as music is a string. We have this harvest, approximate to our haste. Expedient words remain in the gully where they belong.

Something Else

The size crowd emerges variance factory date  time. The numbers include people like language in a system with people coloured in, terms and satellites aloft for reference points. Listening to a gas while trees  all over the planet placed in dismay. Planets include effectively vatic sky. Vatic states vatic.  Whatever  else might mean may mean, the trees will go ballistic.