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Showing posts from August 19, 2018

The Effort of Words Isn’t Enough

by direful  the any words became the town to empty. precis of elegiac with ghosts and  QUests, season of which b' ecomes the registry  factotum. Not that data bank in mercury  sLiNK, gonna build my house NeXt door to you.  Those words will remain willing and town. small vision in be tWEen the molecular  nothing. damage Is dun, colour remains bent. build a house next dOOr to yoU. Babylon is laid to waste. small words the people town, children  almost home.

Trump d’Oeil

House of Medici  TopIc senTence, peer id Peace. fUthUr point disintegrating Like any OTher Word. AND re AssemBle the point. and Nothing. the poem where the place is word thought word ignition, sUch that quilts, knit thing, divans for THe Reach and flaneur, aNd about TIme.  Learn to Reed, first of hall. tHE horse of MEDici feels consuming, all nouns. SooN the TrActors swill remember the place of no place. Tho MEDici concerns history As a house and Nice cultural fax. Proven In book and great expanse LAWn. Sleep great ArtWorK Till arriving at conciliation ANd reeding Program. proGrAM notes.

Saturated Fats

The  serial in troduction often words were made  involved in the Melting of Purpose. Ergo Rico, puerto Rico. Startle. Then. People. Sum Invited obsession. Harry Potter. Best loved Novels. Returns. This place has great beer. Play violin. We have been washed. Vietnam has always been one day. But one thing is the Place. Place is where you can stand.

Startle Children

both forms of the scapular come with a set of promises, a favourite town or condition, a right to relent, a morning of cool green, a stated invention of dawn and the mingling both forms of the scapular come with a set of promises , promotion, Elysian Fields for the well doctored, rock candy mountains, and nothing so close both forms of the scapular come with a set of promises , patents presumptions, running on, cloven mostly both forms of the scapular come with a set of promises, forming envy or any human condition, delectation or mere assonance both forms of the scapular come with a set of promises reacting to a touch of pleurisy or the satisfaction of sorrow both forms of the scapular come with a set of promises, interest against all lawful both forms of the scapular come with a set of promises  welcome the cost of condition