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Showing posts from March 31, 2024


  Blue dictates unexpectedly, like the brief assuming sky does. Blue bends fossilized promise while deigning expanse. It may be minuscule expanse but it is yours. Your  coin de ciel , your bounding ocean. All abets in proportioned drafts. Promote all possible jongleurs as trees impend in sky, in any way time. The presence of time felt in blue beam, that instant, bullying blue surprise. A cartridge for the next moment engages. Forever happens now and then. Read on!

Vernal (a guided missal)

  Darting semaphore of crows in sky, on ground, amongst and beyond. They weather. Green things begin with nuclear device. Flicker or cascade in the servient moment as a tree or daffodil. The earth owns a warm, moist crust of preservation. Occult peonies appear, rhyme transforms, you can’t be kidding. You’ve heard the same words in collective tones. Walk a field as a drum, in boom consent. The sun shines into overcast. Water flows very familiar, Concord to Merrimack to the Gulf of Maine. Human tides on course, watched equally by crow and rabbit. Everything affects constitution. The circle begins where the circle began.