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Showing posts from August 7, 2016

Eleven Bombs in One Day

Sometimes, words in a stadium. Sometimes left wants right in a pressure situation. You poets know what I mean. A piano ascends the gracious leavening of human oh what the fuck. A guitar can do the same smart-alecky. Which town do you wonder? Ambient flakes of creativity flutter like impulsive dynamo abreast human level. Explain Donald Trump, plain vireo. You are virginal, with conceit. You have seen nothing virtuously. Donald Trump arouses the sentient stone. The stone says, “Stone”, “a” Mutter makes cream of wheat like a livelier nation.

How to Prevent British Schoolgirls / Donald Trump Tries to Walk

Listen to silver or something molten in the clouds. Direct heat wins minutes, you are able. We haven’t left this minute yet, but plans and slight conjunction thing. The best thing of people, really, and you spin. We have this climate, and it’s in time. It reels further letters, from a batch, a field, a lot of other time. It doesn’t matter if you say you say. Today’s a branch of glass. Donald Trump invented pantsuits smiled and carking, why for sluggards. Sorts of bread and teasing dishes serve with prone. Alive the crop of hairy endive, the Donald Trump as pointed time.

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above a river of Republican armies culled Democrats, above trees known for deem imprecisely, above gull known as water, safety known as cloud, path known as sad, then watch, of loose and stunted language, you, you have been a lax farm, like me, like the period between geese, like the egret as a time, like saying each poem concludes a community, but then reading goes straw, and maybe maybe reeds drinking smelly water, listen, free verse, Donald tromp