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Showing posts from July 17, 2022

Could We Just Take Hints

  Captions daunt   the magma we sip in participation with the transiting world tastes of flinging the point of colloquy becomes jammed with yellow squawking amongst bees creates assonance a perfectly spelled word billows throttles pounce mordantly caskets fret full time  doorways intone  firmament represents bossy practicality  practicality represents unleashed stone  Jupiter remains a reflection a box full of not-box starts again flightless birds understand dance dogma  a poem’s heady margins express dates of bravado  rocks startle statues  boon is still green

Excellence Indeed of Barrett Watten Sweat

  Before colour Red the explanation of worldly letters In a fountain Or poem smack of standing at a dais Practically or carnival in culture Pus slag con Imposition Of rife as Couture Muffin tin Stone basin Poet sweat talk that arrives at culture base What rocks the Moon those In the language for and Squiring out in blameless slipper launch BArrette Watteau Eaten the Hell Because word Pull the text apart

Postulation Cranberry This Instant

 because query   envelopes may not one recall icy times  of crunchy nematodes push ing side   ways words we listen to words in nature thus a warning of tunes and closing integrity what can we do with language   called human in the  dust fields   of spending and no politics   worthy of   fire the grand    trees we   thought to invent sputtered  bracken to the   winds and   you know how children cry