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Showing posts from November 28, 2021

Charged Capacity to Surge

  StrataSpace 4  becomes immediate in our story of forward and up. Understand the logical evolution as slogans expand into the wet rain of patter gathered in sound. The logical in crisp white avenue waits so virtue can be seen as the assonance it has become. The further being bestrides Trope the Rhinoceros for flair. The new level must follow older, to say that three looks not as much as four. Wandering becomes time. Time could become complete if team, we ourselves, team. Language is the other half of nothing more to say. We reflect the sun’s nonsense with forthright equation. Dollars are doughnuts in the endlessly final end. A cool shadowy pool of water in a time.there where somewhere is.

The Space of Next Step

  Fire up your pods!  Action is designated. Resituate to StrataSpace 4 (later chapters will speak further). The revolutionary moment bears like Tiger. Be sure to ingest appropriate nutrients such as fit for this class of struggle. We have identified the Go Moment, as eagles dive. The vast enclosure before us speaks to blockade, stones in passway. Engines of struggle must meet this moment. We are the energy we are, less the shackles they are. Remit heroism with vision. The future is yesterday and poorly read. We ask for nothing more than nothing more. Pods in the sky, joined in joining. Mechanisms functioning, stars still stars. No future but has happened before, until now. Portals to where portals, because thriving can still matter. Join in the joining before now is the next then, creatures of Union. The space is next.

Fun Quiz About the Glorious as of Today

  Explain to hungry listener in always so many words how fun Culutural Revolution in People’s Republic in this future day The Culural Revolution of People’s Republic fun because people can be rocks and stones for bulwarks even as listening to clear-eyed speech of brilliant untroubling Leader who is language itself History listeners never stop listening to the bulwark vision of true fun revolutionary rocks and stones refusing aggregate nonsense of bourgeoisie and their hopeless shoes Ramparts bring happy fun to the fortress of worker in field harvesting nourishment to the Revolutionary Banner built from the sky down to proletariat hero in field or happy factory Cultural Revolution alludes always to the shouting fun of proletariat dedication in fields and factories with staunch rocks and stones remorselessly fun exalting fun itself to the very minute for all who strive in firmest verbs Cultural Revolution cannot be more fun as the sunrises of future everyday for the unevading dialect...

Even Tho Numerous

Tremendous language se cures dolmen to place. Peoples of proud, rightly so. Trees of people ex pect. Varied angles and planes for beginning and end. Sway people true. When legs of society, then. Perfect pict ure ex ceeds logic. Simple dolmen.