Explain to hungry listener in always so many words how fun Culutural Revolution in People’s Republic in this future day
- The Culural Revolution of People’s Republic fun because people can be rocks and stones for bulwarks even as listening to clear-eyed speech of brilliant untroubling Leader who is language itself
- History listeners never stop listening to the bulwark vision of true fun revolutionary rocks and stones refusing aggregate nonsense of bourgeoisie and their hopeless shoes
- Ramparts bring happy fun to the fortress of worker in field harvesting nourishment to the Revolutionary Banner built from the sky down to proletariat hero in field or happy factory
- Cultural Revolution alludes always to the shouting fun of proletariat dedication in fields and factories with staunch rocks and stones remorselessly fun exalting fun itself to the very minute for all who strive in firmest verbs
- Cultural Revolution cannot be more fun as the sunrises of future everyday for the unevading dialectic that plants the seeds of future in today’s new day held in the stalwart hands of the Revolution’s fun
- The fun Cultural Revolution holds hands with fun proletariat sand factories for the never perhaps future of work and glory like crushing bourgeois cars
- The fun Cultural Revolution lasts eons every minute filling buckets without talking or showing fancy shoes
- The hope of last minute fails to outshine the future now in hand with a mighty mute language peopled by people’s hopes for more future today
- Riches of the West bear no fun but heavy cars in the fractious streets and special shoes instead of resounding leader in the clearness of high speech to the thriving masses of fun Cultural Revolution party heroes
- The Cultural Revolution remains fun for all abstaining wicked bourgeois adjectives praising only the difference between idle shoes