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Showing posts from October 18, 2020

Famous Less Words

  Save money by eating Russian oligarch. In the space between increments, shepherds look at the freshest Russian oligarch. Morsels. A smidgeon of import with fresh daisies smells of delicious Russia. Oh, no Russia exists but only pieces and we have states that make business. The rich Russian oligarch can carry a recipe, plodding viably now. The money of delicious Russian oligarch can improve the life center. Hello, we are destined to Russian oligarch. To seize the day and delicious, flock world Russia oligarch. In morning open window breeze, delicious Russian oligarch maybe friends and has some time. Lunch would maybe be Russian oligarch delicious, hold on tight. Crisp and crunchy.

Fardels Forever

  atheist housewives make brownies for Satan. what are the facts?  Satan relaxes with ball peen hammer, a few wrenches, the colour of clocks, and many objects of interest.  any president worth a pillar of salt should understand some of the Constitution diverted to ritual patience including such parts referencing  washing bathroom floors and imitating context.  fear of brownies fosters inadequate response.  all explanations require taut ships, team play, mornings biting hard.  no brownies for breakfast but steel ingots with the look of a grey eye.  the people shall vote for puddles and spume.  those lads and lasses on the campaign trail may smell of light wandering but they know atheism fulfills their blistering shoes. all shifts make further shifts.  buyouts begin after breakfast.  familiar reasons cannot exist. just be kind.