the potent possibilities of the rich the gold en imp ort smells of gunk the transmuta tion reeks of just that day of shriveled from the perfect vine hold in g all
proud in the mist of elastic Mar jorie Taylor Grr eene from the por Tico of gnaw that who le twaddle visa vie human comp assion Out side of the hack pre Pendary of sit in a par Ticular seat ASShole the Child lasts be Yond the flunder of your lash
a lancing Escape clause filled oodles of Eyes as the Moon rose On the edge of Tomorrow Cool bracken Piled into memory and Ferns re lated their Sense of orange And green The city Has been made Small but Buoyed by Moonlight it Finally allows Children And so some thing cares For something at least And last
the usual deer in the rainbow re structures some language with usual green clouds or farm deity thus pro voked the usual language insti tutes a music of blameless colour and understrokes of pianistic mood where by the saints and seasons flush the seeming sky apparent ly the map be comes clear the usual glaze intros words a loft and oh deer the usual