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Showing posts from December 29, 2019

Poem Begins a New

not a language there a poetry there a collision there  when here the poetry is the language is  isn’t cool or iced or tonal field worked  it is no poem until peering  arrive in the splendid dark

Rules for Being Autistic

Date and time go Special frame The chance to be the chance Delete until deleted The flower that everywhere Eminence of boundaries Distinguishing until distinguished Was resumption the plan The blur stays everywhere Deference never does Essential in essential

Make Maybe

note black people like scullion and detour. white people seem to tip, as provocation or provenance. yellow people remain arctic residue, like cousins of temperate sun. red people soon filter forest or stones. brown people assume torsion, and we begin to see sliding treble to fine noise. exact people slurp and buy highways. rivers fill with exultant patterns, green people, orange people, purple as profound. red reasonably assumes green anyway. colours sound ridiculous when you think of pandas. stopping before going usually works tho humans no more ready. within the trees, after all, the  staple  of trees. the sun fills with words, as if that could matter.

Is Was I

one peanut and the taste and wood culture  another is rock glacier simplified  again the vocabulary truly plant protein and Jiminy Cricket !!!  period crunch after one moment performs another moment  restless as hungry a full day after the day before