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Showing posts from August 6, 2023


Mountain has been pressed intro action, different from hill. You know Hill, a ripple under glacial instigation, such memories and tales. Hill realizes a day or so, nothing so human as eternity. And there you are, maybe out of breath, and not nearly grand. You still must think of pace.  I seem to linger , says Mountain. Mountains include a center, pointed fire, vital tree, aspirational rock, cloud cover, the vista on the eye, and length of time. Everything present has been made before. Artful volcanoes in the quick of the eye, but anyway, just showing off for the elements. Mountains talk too much, with beastly clouds and riverine plans. Get to know them like a bear. You might find that thing that awaits.

The Grasses

  Namely the  grasses , the  sedge , and the  rush , each marvelous with stellar Latin names and skillful deviation. They all just rise from the earth with hearty cheer and chatter. Sure, your lawn pokes your embattled front with automatic burden but you fell for that one and the metal motor. Meanwhile grasses march about the livelong, tucking into here and there and snorting. Think of the herbage setting up in a sidewalk crack. Name that numeral fun because it holds the life and spree. Tall grasses wave in the wind with pristine glee and you haven’t mindful grazed all day. How many of your stomachs do you deny as you fix yourself with strictures? Any grass enjoys overcharge, love blast of light in preening certain herbage. Cut grass smelling of a trending turmoil means open your eyes now. The great landscape awaits your sulky prominence. Further pragmatics can now be subtly unsealed.


  Cardinals are birds, attested by exertions in the middle of a sentence. Their red (male) feathers give rise to their special name because they clutch the spectrum at the same place as those Pope-appointed church fathers who wear raiments of red. The birds were first, red like the beaten afternoon sun. Female cardinals own a rusty orange colour, perhaps to hide better in their nesting covert. The colours of cardinal requires the time each colour takes. We have a love story, then, amidst the trees and breathing world. From the bifurcating colours of the sexes you can impute as you will. Cardinals sing together well, exhibiting excellent triangulation. Judging by the range of calls, they maintain a lively colloquy. Their crest could win praise just for its distinction. Like unto blue jays, titmice, and not much else on this continent, cardinals have top notches. Only the tanager matches cardinals in downright redness, but cardinals have crests, the winning thing. Their beaks crush s...


  Egrets present an white ephemeral flash when seen distantly astride their wetland turf. No one who knows them would say egrets talk too much. That storky creature by itself in the muddy realm looks too insular. Maybe they are agnostics or on the spectrum. Everyone has their hobby horse of restriction. We all understand that birds must eat something, even if it is anything. Our Eagle friend looks like no connoisseur. Egrets seem chuff with their feet in the mud, snapping up whatever tidbit in reach. Workers of the world, take a look at yourself. Do you do better than this monstrance in your transaction of the daily deal? Life creates a buttress for non-life. Drouthy summers flatten egret odds. Human error of global proportion, oh well. Morsels lack freshness or existence in the mortal mud dedicated into time loss time. The birds stand by erect and noble in the notwithstanding of marsh.

Blue Heron

  Tall enough to warrant a particular word for the expression of tallness, given birds as a general category, the blue heron plants its feet. This positions the world  there,  where anything brief may be. In water, by water, or on firm land itself. The world makes a strong plantation. Fish, frogs, insects, that sort of thing as possible food and plenty. Pointy beak in the extremis of living delivers the culminating darting moment. The thought basks electric. Greek philosophers in the ages rode heron into oddity and back. You can see that, right? Heron flight says something about expanse. The legs drag behind, the neck curves, the wings sweep with impossible levitation. Blue heron weigh as much as any myth, sculling to the next wet place, which you may never see. It still happens, with or without you.


 *So Fox in the wonder of the world sees a Black Bird going about the day. Fox goes to this Black Bird, looks the creature up and down. Fox saw a bird bigger than Crow with wedged-shaped tail feathers and thick beak. Fox says “Ho, Black Bird. You are here. I think I know you. Are you Raven?” And Raven replies "Fuck yeah, I'm ravin'. I’m ravin’ for the day and night." Or so it might be told.* Ravens belong, like crows, to the Corvus family. Smart as smart can learn, the birds of this family maintain social ways. While crows gather in chill groups of community service, ravens more likely stay in mated couples, listening to cool jazz thru the moody night. No fault to them, ravens have become symbolic of something or other. This occurred because Edgar Poe wrote a poem about a bleak person confronted by an anthropomorphic Raven. Beating the odds, this poem became famous as an excited readership learned to mope more while lifting grieving heads to the heavens. And yet raven...