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Showing posts from April 29, 2018

That's the Fall of Falling

I went into a town called Listening. the green was very stern. roots told ages of brown dirt that dreamed of soil. clouds were settled and blunt. topics were incremental, like human entrophy. pink orange and red tried to murder the ensuing coast. stop lights weren't reasonable. the collision between prices included people. anything viable went stutter. elegiac became the patio. the town had rights and left. suddenly somebody is nobody better than the time it takes to say so. parklands went distribe, and fluffy animals. toil was expressed as words. words were expressed as downtown. children flew famously to ponds and irrigation ditches. limply laden modes of viewing simply simply.

Alice in Chains in Heaven

to get to see if  the attached files  Office in in my open opinion  Mad and the other hand of the morning  Listen as the first  Beam and a half hour of My Favourite Things Thus in the next few timely manner of the most important  direction to get the latest version been there before as it does in the song we all like the song trust in touch base on we would like to see lateral grandchildren  there were Reasons for the Town and the children entranced  oh landed virtues the walls came down

Simple Notes

If the sage and green by design the open step past tulip, daffodil, and crocus. Hyacinth is a fragrant town just beyond. And we together now, like a word or two. It is all in time, pushed to see the river. Ever trees in situation of cloud and sun, the love song time around us.