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Showing posts from February 24, 2019

Natural Erante

dinner plate-sized president With full shining, monkey Attitude fits penny Head, experienced Niggling parasite Forms regency intelligence, Active barf serves Congress, Material downsizing Seat, majority moral Clastic bonhomie Creates Senate pulverize, Lower sanity brings Higher peeks, pants Wearing elbow resumes Tattling, scarlet enforced Dirigible directs spontaneous emblematic so, sour stage  provokes Golden bathroom, saucer-Sized president basel saucer sighs


 Algorithm  Input •  People are eleven inches tall, or wide •  People are male •  Male people who are women are female •  Children don’t quite arrive •  Security is an inference •  Two is the number between Us •  Eleven people equal almost eleven people •  Logic displays nothing new, only vernacular  •  Sibilance is true •  Words are often too short In the wake of these starters, an impressive array of saturation, promulgation, and down #poem

Exterior Point Resolved

Plan a Latin Word in retreat  via same day delivery, umbrellas Of certain fish, vacation homes Of spiders or ordnance, exec utive language,  TURNing poetry  Hey now we are  Hey there are you hey  The head is not a striking  I don’t yet have to go home  We have some  Time for a good time  With my new note on my head