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Showing posts from May 16, 2021

Gleesome Bean

  papal swoon on the top bridge stoke rasps gleering sound test of function clouds  all haymakers and candle dross soothes best sparkle of river edge  village catchphrase proses poetry or scansion in loon and verbal tunes off springtime wheezes  clutching ganglia in course of sped ropes the doge-like arbor trust  each trout of easing manner slums the currents with impish miff  the words have Nothing if not nothing so the posies go  sunshine seems so simple to day

What Did You See from the Top?

fictitious staff, digital popinjay, barrister of bunting, spandex sharpie commenting on the gloaming, extremities next to extremities in a small Kansas town, floating grunts of power along a river’s edge while sidling water winnows the land, churchy mischief amongst the prescient cattails, undulant matter and agreement with portfolio a-blaze, piecemeal separatism like flakes of babbling skin, moaning gobs and illustration, fermenting sponge antics as surety, sloshing human response, sites of the town.