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Showing posts from February 11, 2018

Here Are the Tweets

the opulence of these days shifts the entire planet and the words settled between each. news favours the lilt of examination in child form, straight to wondering. actual people exist. clocks perform radical distress while modular explanations create boundaries. perplexity funds expression. no answer continues the sentences, only sparkly sparkly what. in exchange for the presumptive practice, the entire global congress seeks buttery softness and telecom. ritual produces lengthy wince and richest forgetting. children then and now see a city out of surge and sentiment and look at the moon butting clouds until the sun butts clouds. forever.

I Feel Fine

who put all these tHings in your review like Word? Bank sentence beginning with harmonium. Leaping Edifice faction a partial town. The residue Of cleaving political Leaving. Why don’t we sing this song all together. Why don’t we  Earn this town the Children. radical influx of Denatured NAtion. Random respects attenTIoN. The scout Of all function.Opens Our heads. Why don’t we Sing this song. This the this, song the song.

Does This Reach?

The rectangular slab which constitutes the uppermost element of a column capital exudes growing debate in tune with labyrinth rock. Tendrils meet tendrils in the earth, trees remain sore. Ice participates in non-ice factors, the life of indication. So Waves in undulant refrain, and portals glowing for the tune. Our hands seem reasonable in the cool light. We have this time and this is the time. Words will finally fly.