House of Medici
TopIc senTence, peer id
fUthUr point
Like any OTher
Word. AND re
the point. and Nothing.
the poem where
the place is
word thought
word ignition,
sUch that
quilts, knit
thing, divans for
THe Reach and
flaneur, aNd about
TIme. Learn to
Reed, first of hall. tHE
horse of MEDici feels
consuming, all
nouns. SooN the
TrActors swill
remember the
place of no place. Tho MEDici
concerns history
As a house
and Nice cultural fax. Proven
In book and great expanse
LAWn. Sleep great
ArtWorK Till
arriving at conciliation
ANd reeding
Program. proGrAM notes.