Dear Extortium,
If you were blonde, you would be a trivet, and that explanation would deliver contracts to Obama, for the sake of a middle class that surrounds éclairs. Why burst when crusts of bread are discarded like embolisms? Cabbage remains ocular, in the garden, that day, memory like a transit authority.
Extortium, the mellow fundament of sneak attacks and snacks resolves in a great television evening. We will write a new document that includes Artemis and Oprah Winfrey. We want a sport model, now, just like a tunnel thru sluggard language vents.
Extortium, Swiss cheese in a hospital is no unguent. Yeti smirks at the idea of perfect cheese. Escalators are easy to explain.
We await, and after that finality, we move. Moving is a method for all sentients. Mars as a planet compares to other large masses. Johnny Carson is dead.
Extortium, Obama failed as fulcrum, but what were we thinking? Fulcrums are so topic sentence, infer paragraph of when we were up, then down. That slice, Extortium, boggles the muggle smoke. British Petroleum invents a hole, and we are talking about Allen Ginsberg’s toe.
Field and valence,
P.S. There’s a boiler room in the southeast corner.