Even Tho You Know What You Know
You cannot satisfy praise. He wasn’t even taller than the moon. He wasn’t a real verb. His number was not proven. He talked only to wood, stones were leaning gone. Actually too many words were written not found. When he dies, the people think he may not die. But if going is representative, then Language cannot be depended on to sentence or oracle or touch a thumb to nose as was once the wont. Praise tells praise to make praise, but praise is a word like a corral with possible horses. Horses are impossible!
You cannot satisfy praise. He wasn’t even taller than the moon. He wasn’t a real verb. His number was not proven. He talked only to wood, stones were leaning gone. Actually too many words were written not found. When he dies, the people think he may not die. But if going is representative, then Language cannot be depended on to sentence or oracle or touch a thumb to nose as was once the wont. Praise tells praise to make praise, but praise is a word like a corral with possible horses. Horses are impossible!