Measure dilates, moon rises,
flip colour in a
sentence, then
morning, an ode, traffic
of facts on an
escalating road
that goes, onliest place,
grey seeker sky in the
province of East, to
imagine a document
arrived daily, with sudden
birds in voice, a tree
is a lark with
sailing effort, measured
by speed or tint, inching
a long way or short,
spelled by text
in text so that
we can be together,
the average remains as
soft as pinnacle, hard
as claim, here
the joist and hammer
felt, passed Language
past, only this tag
or that remains
among this throe
of trees
flip colour in a
sentence, then
morning, an ode, traffic
of facts on an
escalating road
that goes, onliest place,
grey seeker sky in the
province of East, to
imagine a document
arrived daily, with sudden
birds in voice, a tree
is a lark with
sailing effort, measured
by speed or tint, inching
a long way or short,
spelled by text
in text so that
we can be together,
the average remains as
soft as pinnacle, hard
as claim, here
the joist and hammer
felt, passed Language
past, only this tag
or that remains
among this throe
of trees