They arrived the
Old story trot
And truncheon.
Bastinado. Oblate
Opinion and
When trees, falling,
Something stiff
The breeze. Follow
The line
Of reasoning. They
Arrived as the
Words of the
Town. The tre
Mendous bar
Ricade. Murk and
Plan. Squalor
Rhymes with
Vending. Every
Sentence the
Thereafter. Storks
Were the reason
For storks, out
There where the
Storks there. Same
with purulent exudate
By way of
speech class
Rolling title
Wave. All meets
At the carbuncle
Of language. Such
And such thus. They
Arrived to the
Town city, sitting
On planning,
Bored. And there
For long lines
After effect
As close as know
Ing some
Thing thinking
Distance as a
Plan. No um
Brel complete.
Stages of this
That that is
This. Now
And then until.