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 As things would have it, cardinals fall into the category of Nouns. No fault to them, happens to us all. Perhaps one should say they fly into the category, with their provocative right and left wings. Meanwhile, lingually correct bird stations at treetop and vocalizes meaningfully, subject: dusk, where and when. Cardinal has long reach. Flash of colour defines if definition even exists. The male flashes red. A rusty reddish finds female. You trip for consistency. Dichotomies instruct dichotomies. Any bird matches machinery of don't blink. Cautionary while you might crab. The cardinal has not changed it difference, just holds down a place. You don't say you noun, you think you are covering story. The last time you were appalled you were wrong. Your noun became a verb, the verb became a form. You went okay like the number one. Sorry, midflight.


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